Camp Officers & Committees

The current leadership of the Camp.

Officers of the Camp are elected by the Membership at the annual Camp election meeting, with the Camp Commander-elect selecting his appointed staff and committee assignments. Once installed in their respective offices, the Camp Officers serve until their successors are duly elected and installed.

Elected Officers

CommanderMENZIES, Don 2024Donald E. MenziesLivermore, CA
Senior Vice CommanderLAROSA, Rick2Rick T. LaRosa, PCCCampbell, CA
Junior Vice CommanderEARL, DanielDaniel R. Earl, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
SecretaryCAMPBELL, TadTad D. Campbell, PCinC
Click here for bio
Gilroy, CA
TreasurerMALAZNIK, LinnLinn W. MalaznikGilroy, CA
CouncilmanEARL, DanielDaniel R. Earl, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
CouncilmanAVILA, Frank2Frank C. Avila, PDCSan Jose, CA
CouncilmanGRAHAM, TomThomas T. Graham, PDCSan Jose, CA

Appointed Officers


Patriotic Instructor

ENDERLIN, DeanDean A. Enderlin, PDC
Click here for bio
Calistoga, CA
ChaplainLAVRISCHEFF, PaulPaul E. Lavrischeff, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
CounselorEARL, DanielDaniel R. Earl, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
HistorianSTOLP, John2John E. Stolp, PCCSan Jose, CA

Graves Registration Officer

FELTON, KennethKenneth G. FeltonHayward, CA

Civil War Memorials Officer

FELTON, KennethKenneth G. FeltonHayward, CA
GuideLAVRISCHEFF, PaulPaul E. Lavrischeff, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
Color BearerAVILA, Frank2Frank C. Avila, PCCSan Jose, CA
GuardLAVRISCHEFF, PaulPaul E. Lavrischeff, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA
Eagle Scout Certificate CoordinatorHAWKINSON, RandallRandall W. HawkinsonSalinas,
Newsletter EditorCAMPBELL, TadTad D. Campbell, PCinC
Click here for bio
Gilroy, CA
Legislation OfficerEARL, DanielDaniel R. Earl, PCC
Click here for bio
San Jose, CA

Signals Officer/Webmaster

CAMPBELL, TadTad D. Campbell, PCinC
Click here for bio
Gilroy, CA
MusiciansChristopher C. Avila
James M. Welch
Delegates to United Veterans Council (UVC)Frank C. Avila, PDC
Daniel R. Earl, PCC
Rick T. LaRosa, PCC


Committees are appointed by the Camp Commander, who serves as an ex officio member of all committees.

Click on the “+” symbol for a description and duties of each committee.

CommitteeMembersDescription and Responsibilities
Membership CommitteeDaniel R. Earl, PCC (Chair), Tad D. Campbell, PCinC (Member)The Standing Committee on Membership shall be responsible for investigating applications for membership that are received by the Camp, and shall recommend, to the entire Camp, the election or rejection of the applicant. The Committee shall be composed of the Junior Vice Committee, who shall chair the Committee, the Camp Secretary, and a member-at-large who shall be appointed by the Camp Commander.
Program, Publicity, and Policy CommitteeRick T. LaRosa, PCC (Chair)The Standing Committee on Program, Publicity, and Policy shall be responsible for arranging special programs, speakers, and other presentations for Camp meetings, for the general publicity of the Camp and the Order, and for developing, analyzing, and recommending action on appropriate policies for the Camp. The Committee shall also have general oversight jurisdiction with respect to issues associated with programs, publicity, and policies impacting the Camp. This Committee shall be chaired by the Senior Vice Commander.
Graves and War Memorials CommitteeKenneth G. Felton (Chair)The purpose of the Standing Committee on Graves and War Memorials shall be to seek, identify and record graves and memorials to Union and Confederate Civil War Soldiers, to secure veteran headstones from the Federal government, and to seek and identify all monuments and memorials dedicated to Civil War veterans and the Grand Army of the Republic. The Committee shall bring to the attention of the Camp any disrespect or lack of attention shown to any Civil War monument or memorial. The Committee shall also have general oversight jurisdiction with respect to issues associated with graves registration and issues associated with Civil War monuments and memorials. The Committee shall be co-chaired by the Graves Registration Officer and Civil War Memorials Officer.
Bylaws CommitteeDaniel R. Earl, PCC (Chair), Tad D. Campbell, PCinC (Member), Thomas T. Graham, PDC (Member)The Standing Committee on Bylaws shall periodically review Camp Bylaws, Department Bylaws, and the National Constitution and Regulations, bringing necessary revisions to the attention of the Camp membership. The Committee shall also have general oversight jurisdiction with respect to issues associated with the National Constitution and Regulations, Department Bylaws and Regulations, Camp Bylaws and Regulations, special rules of order, standing rules, and parliamentary procedure. The Camp Counselor shall serve as ex officio member of the Bylaws Committee.
History CommitteeJohn E. Stolp, PCC (Chair)The purpose of the Standing Committee on History shall be to identify and preserve historical and biographical material pertaining to the Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and their respective membership, as well as all associated organizations and the Allied Orders. The Committee shall also have general oversight jurisdiction with respect to issues associated with the history of the Allied Orders. This Committee shall be chaired by the Camp Historian.
Ceremonial Observances CommitteeVACANTThe Standing Committee on Ceremonial Observances shall be responsible for recommending and coordinating arrangements necessary for the appropriate observance by the Camp of the patriotic holidays, with special emphasis on the fowling events: Lincoln Day (February 12th), Presidents Day (3rd Monday in February), Armed Forces Day (3rd Saturday in May), Memorial Day (4th Monday of May), Flag Day/National Flag Week (June 14th), Independence Day (July 4th), Veterans Day (November 11th), and Remembrance Day (November 19th). The following Subcommittees may be established to fulfill the obligations of this Committee: 1) the Subcommittee on Memorial Day Observances; 2) the Subcommittee on Veterans’ Day Observances; 3) the Subcommittee on Lincoln Day and Presidents’ Day Observances; and, 4) the Subcommittee on Patriotic Observances.
Military Affairs CommitteePaul E. Lavrischeff, PCCThe Standing Committee on Military Affairs shall be responsible for: (a) advising the Camp on matters relating to appropriate era military dress, mannerisms and formalities associated with Camp ceremonies, parades, and activities; and assisting Camp Brothers in obtaining appropriate uniforms. (b) shall facilitate communications and the coordination of events with other Camps that involve Camp Guard or Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) units, as well as events with local Civil War reenactment and historical organizations. (c) shall have general oversight jurisdiction with respect to issues associated with the organization of a Camp Guard, including, but not limited to, the establishment of operating procedures for said Camp Guard; provided, however, that any actions, findings, and recommendations be reduced to writing and presented to the Camp membership for approval.

Phil Sheridan Camp No. 4, SUVCW | Camp Officers
Created: 6 Apr 2001; Modified: 3 Apr 2024