Preserving the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and our ancestors who fought to preserve the Union 1861 – 1865
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) is a patriotic and educational organization, similar to the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). It was founded on November 12, 1881 and incorporated by Act of Congress August 20, 1954. The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is the legal heir to and representative of the GAR.
Gens. Sedgwick-Granger Camp No. 17 of the SUVCW was established on December 17, 2003, and was named in honor of two local Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Posts, namely, the Gen. John Sedgwick Post No. 17 of Santa Ana, California, and the Gen. Gordon Granger Post No. 138 of Orange, California. Each of these Posts was named for a prominent Civil War general. An original Santa Ana SUVCW Camp (No. 12) was established on May 12, 1919, and was active until its last “Real Son” passed away in 1968.
The Sedgwick Post No. 17, GAR was named for Gen. John Sedgwick (1813-1864).
The Gen. Gordon Granger Post No. 138, GAR was named for Gen. Gordon Granger (1822-1876).
- AREA: The Camp serves all of Orange County, California.
- MEETINGS: Fourth Monday of odd-numbered months (except July) at 7:00 pm at VFW/American Legion Hall, 1404 N. Grand Avenue in Santa Ana, California. Meetings are usually preceded by dinner.
- NEWSLETTER: Sedgwick-Granger Sentinel is published bi-monthly in even numbered months.
- MEMORIAL DAY PARTICIPATION: On Memorial Day at the GAR Plot in Santa Ana Cemetery, 1919 E. Santa Clara Ave., Santa Ana, CA (and representatively at eight other Orange County cemeteries where Union veterans are interred, as Brothers are available).
- DUES: $50.00 per year (plus $10.00 Initiation Fee at enrollment).
Gens. Sedgwick-Granger Camp No. 17, SUVCW | Homepage
Created: 10 Jan 2004; Modified: 23 Sep 2024