Camp Officers & Committees

The current leadership of the Camp.

Officers of the Camp are elected by the Membership at the annual Camp election meeting, with the Camp Commander-elect selecting his appointed staff and committee assignments. Once installed in their respective offices, the Camp Officers serve until their successors are duly elected and installed.

Elected Officers

CommanderSMITH, Dean w:kepi 2020Dean R. Smith, PCC
Click here for bio
Los Angeles, CA
Senior Vice CommanderHARRINGTON, WilliamWilliam C. HarringtonLos Angeles, CA
Junior Vice CommanderVILLARDI, BrandonBrandon A. VillardiTorrance, CA
SecretaryBELLOWS, JamieJames A. BellowsPalos Verdes Estates, CA
TreasurerLYBOLT, JamesJames Lybolt
CouncilmanGALLAGHER, WilliamWilliam K. GallagherCovina, CA
CouncilmanYOSS, StephenStephen M. YossClaremont, CA
CouncilmanMAGOFFIN, StephenStephen S. MagoffinHermosa Beach, CA

Appointed Officers


Patriotic Instructor

GOULD, DerekDerek S. GouldCulver City, CA
ChaplainDICKEY, Gary AlanRev. Dr. Gary Alan DickeyWestlake Village, CA
Assistant ChaplainRICHARDSON, John JrJohn V. Richardson, Jr.Inglewood, CA
Chaplain's AideMAGOFFIN, StephenStephen S. MagoffinHermosa Beach, CA


PURO, KyleKyle PuroLong Beach, CA
HistorianRICHARDSON, John JrJohn V. Richardson, Jr.Inglewood, CA

Graves Registration Officer

KIDD, DavidDavid M. KiddPacific Palisades, CA
Assistant Graves Registration Officer #1HARRINGTON, WilliamWilliam C. HarringtonLos Angeles,
Assistant Graves Registration Officer #2LYNCH, DonaldDonald D. LynchLos Angeles,

Civil War Memorials Officer

KIDD, DavidDavid M. KiddPacific Palisades, CA
GuideGREEN, PeterPeter GreenRedondo Beach, CA
Color BearerVILLARDI, BrandonBrandon A. VillardiTorrance, CA
GuardANDERSON, KristenKristen H. AndersonHawthorne, CA
Eagle Scout Certificate CoordinatorVILLARDI, BrandonBrandon A. VillardiTorrance, CA
G.A.R. Highway OfficerGALLAGHER, WilliamWilliam K. GallagherCovina, CA
ROTC/JROTC/NDCC Award CoordinatorSMITH, Dean w:kepi 2020Dean R. Smith, PCC
Click here for bio
Los Angeles, CA
Genealogical OfficerVILLARDI, BrandonBrandon A. VillardiTorrance, CA
Assistant Genealogical OfficerRICHARDSON, John JrJohn V. Richardson, Jr.Inglewood, CA
Newsletter EditorSMITH, Dean w:kepi 2020Dean R. Smith, PCCLos Angeles, CA

Signals Officer

GILL, JamesJames R. GillManhattan Beach, CA


CAMPBELL, TadTad D. Campbell, PCinC
Click here for bio


Committees are appointed by the Camp Commander, who serves as an ex officio member of all committees.

Membership CommitteeDean R. Smith, PCC
Brandon A. Villardi
James A. Bellows
James Lybolt
William K. Gallagher

Gen. W. S. Rosecrans Camp No. 2, SUVCW | Camp Officers
Created: 20 Feb 2008; Modified: 10 Feb 2025