Biographical Info

David A. Davis
Department Historian & GAR Records Officer
Past Camp Commander
David Alan Davis was born January 9, 1955, to George and Florence Davis, and was raised in Juliustown, a small rural town near Fort Dix in south central New Jersey. David has an older brother and younger sister and attended Sacred Heart School in Mt. Holly, New Jersey, and Northern Burlington County High School near Columbus, New Jersey. David earned his Bachelor of Science degree in geology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Master of Science degree in geology at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). David now works as a Geologic Information Specialist for the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology at UNR. He is married to Jenny Marie Macchiaverna, the daughter of the late Louis and Anita Macchiaverna of Brooklyn, New York, and has a son Tyrone Winthrop Davis. The Davis’s are members of St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church.
David has had strong interests in history, geology, astronomy, and archaeology since childhood. He started doing genealogy at age sixteen, after hearing the few known family stories. He began visiting cemeteries, records repositories, and little known relatives around New Jersey as soon as he acquired a driver license. As time went on, his search led him to ancestors in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Québec. David is a member and past newsletter editor of the Nevada State Genealogical Society and a member of the Nevada Historical Society.
David became a member of the Gen. William Passmore Carlin Camp No. 25 a few months after its formation in Gardnerville, Nevada, in 2003. He serves as Camp Historian and Camp Civil War Memorials Officer, and is a Past Camp Commander. David joined the SUVCW because his great-great-granduncle Private Edwin G. Atkins was a wagoner in Company B of the 13th Vermont Volunteer Infantry and a member of the Edwin Dillingham Post No. 22, G.A.R. of Waterbury, Vermont. David also has several other great-great-granduncles who served in New Jersey and Vermont regiments during the Civil War. David’s only known direct Civil War ancestor was his great-great-grandfather Private William Hill of Company K (Botetourt Guards), 57th Virginia Volunteer Infantry, who was killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on July 3, 1863.
Dept. of California & Pacific, SUVCW | David A. Davis, PCC
Created: 1 Apr 2007; Modified: 24 Sep 2023