Biographical Info
Jackson Bryant Deaton
Past Department Commander
An expert in the line of automobile painting, who has also specialized in monogram and lettering work of the finest type, Jackson B. Deaton has built up a record business in Stockton since locating here in 1919. A native of Missouri, Mr. Deaton was born in Cass County, March 18, 1886, the son of William P. and Louisa E. (Daniels) Deaton. William P. was born in Kentucky and was a pioneer in Missouri and in looking for a location he traveled in the primitive way—with ox team—through Iowa in the early ’50s when there were no railroads and the country was infested with Indians, and he had some interesting experiences on the frontier. Settling in Missouri he farmed and when the Civil War broke out he served over four years with the Union army. Once his horse was shot from under him and again a bullet shattered a watch he carried, but neither bullet penetrated his body. In 1887 he settled in Howell County, Mo., and there he answered the final roll call in 1896. In 1900 the mother and her five children removed to Des Moines, Iowa, and there she died in 1918.
Jackson B. Deaton, the only member of the family in California, received his education in the public schools of Missouri and Iowa, laying the foundation for his future usefulness and in 1901 he apprenticed himself to learn the painter’s trade with the Baker Carriage Company of Des Moines, receiving as a wage the sum of five cents an hour. Next he was with the Kratzer Carriage Company at Des Moines and for five years was foreman of their painting department, and here he gained a valuable experience in lettering and fine monogram work. He was next with the Payne Motor Car Company in charge of their painting department for a year, and spent the same length of time with the Packard Motor Company at Des Moines, remaining there until he came to California.
On November 1, 1919, Mr. Deaton opened up in business for himself in commodious quarters on the second floor of the Studebaker Garage building on Sutter Street and East Miner Avenue and on February 1, 1920, he bought the property and business established by John A. Merz at 732 East Lafayette Street. He started in to give his customers the best class of work and he attributes his splendid success to the fact that he has lived up to his motto, “Give every man dollar for dollar.” He personally inspects all the work done and still does all the lettering and monogram work himself, every job being given the most painstaking care, so that it is easy to understand the large patronage he receives.
While a resident of Iowa Mr. Deaton was married to Miss Emma Green, a native of that state, and they make their home in Stockton. As a member of the San Joaquin Auto Trades Association, Mr. Deaton takes an active interest in its programs and for some time was a member of the executive committee of that body. His membership in the Masons is in Lodge No. 370, Des Moines, Iowa, and he belongs to the Stockton Pyramid of the Sciots, to the Lions Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Sons of Veterans. While in Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. Deaton was a member of the Y.M.C.A. preliminary officers training school, but the armistice came before he was called.
Source: George H. Tinkham, History of San Joaquin County, California. Los Angeles: Historical Record Co., 1923, pp 1428-31.
Dept. of California & Pacific, SUVCW | Biography of Jackson B. Deaton, PDC
Created: 14 Feb 2011; Modified: 24 Sep 2023