Biographical Info
George Blanco Whited
Past Department Commander
GEORGE B. WHITED. The association of George B. Whited with the business affairs of Long Beach and Los Angeles dates from 1890, when he disposed of all interests in other sections and sought California with the intention of making it his future home. He has thrown himself heartily into the upbuilding enterprises, has given time and means freely, and is justly accorded a place among the representative citizens. He is a native of Kansas, having been born in Ft. Harker, July 29, 1869, the representative of a prominent family long established on Virginian soil, the immigrating ancestor having been an Englishman, whose descendants fought valiantly for the freedom of his adopted country. His father, Payton George Whited, was a native of Swords Creek, W. Va., and a son of Robert Whited, who removed to Chautauqua county, Kans., where he engaged as a farmer. Payton G. Whited was a soldier in Company B, Fifth United States Infantry, and was stationed at various places, among them Wilmington in 1858, Alcatraz Island, at San Francisco, and also saw active service during the Civil war. In 1876, at the time of the troubles with Sitting Bull, he was stationed at Fort Keogh, Mont., after over twenty-one years of army life retiring from active service. For a time he engaged in the cattle business in Montana, later engaged in a general merchandise business in Miles City, finally locating in Los Angeles, where he passed his last days. He was made a Mason in 1883, and attained the Knights Templer[sic] degree. His wife, formerly Ellen Romaro, was a native of Watrous, N. Mex., and a daughter of a cattleman of that section; she survives her husband, still making her home in Los Angeles. She became the mother of seven children, of whom but two are now surviving.
The only son born to his parents, George B. Whited passed his boyhood days among the frontier forts of the remote west, receiving an education through an attendance of public schools wherever the family chanced to be located, but gleaning much more of knowledge through his associations in the life about him. In young manhood he engaged with his father in the cattle business at Miles City, Mont., remaining in that location until 1890, when he disposed of these interests and coming to California prepared to enter upon another line of work. Since his location in Southern California he has engaged in the outdoor advertising business, city bill posting, etc., doing business in Long Beach, San Pedro, Wilmington, Compton, Watts, Alamitos and Huntington Beach and carrying on one of the most extensive enterprises of its kind in the state. He takes a deep interest in his work, keeping thoroughly in touch with all progress, and holds membership with the Associated Bill Posters & Distributers Association of United States and Canada, and also a member of the Pacific Coast Bill Posters and Distributors Association. He has purchased considerable property in Southern California, feely manifesting his faith in its continued prosperity and growth. His business headquarters in Long Beach are at No. 29 Locust avenue, while his home is located on Elden avenue, in Los Angeles. He is quite prominent fraternally, being a member of Aerie No. 791, Order of Eagles, of Long Beach; Fremont Lodge No. 466, W. O. W.; and Fair Oaks Camp No. 15, Sons of Veterans, of San Francisco. In his political affiliations he is a staunch Republican on all national issues, but locally gives his support to the men and measures best qualified to advance the interests of the general public. He has served as deputy sheriff under Sheriff White for several years and has proven himself an efficient assistant. In every avenue, Mr. Whited has proven himself a broad minded, liberal citizen, intent on the upbuilding and development of the best interests of the portion of the state in which he has chosen to make his home.
Source: J. M. Guinn, A History of California and an Extended History of its Southern Coast Counties also Containing Biographies of Well-Known Citizens of the Past and Present:
Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, California, 1907; Vol. II, page 1835.
Dept. of California & Pacific, SUVCW | Biography of George B. Whited, PDC
Created: 19 Oct 2023; Modified: 19 Oct 2023